Entry & Conduct
1. All persons / Group entering the complex must pay the relevant fee or as outlined on the booking form
2. Entry to the centre is at all times to be controlled by Pool Staff, with the assistance of Group Members/ Officials or Teachers if required.
3. Children under the age of 12yrs must be under the direct supervision of a person 16yrs or older to gain entry to the facility
4. Dive Entries into the pool are not permitted in areas specified by signage. Competitive dive starts are permitted from the shallow end of the pool provided approval has been given by pool management
5. Group Coordinator / Representative/s must be aware of the Swimming Skills of all persons within the group before they enter the pool.
6. Group Coordinator / Representative/s are to ensure all persons in their care adhere to all pool rules as stated on the signage at the entrance of the centre.
7. Prior approval must be gained from Pool Staff on duty before entering into the water.
1. Pool Lifeguard/s will be on duty at all times to supervise all persons using the centre, however, primary responsibility for safeguarding members of the group will rest with the organisers of activities/carnival.
2. Children under the age of 12yrs must be under the direct supervision of a person 16yrs or older
3. 0-5 Years A parent/guardian is in the water at all times (within arm’s reach) of the child. 6-10 Years A parent should be close enough to make eye contact with a child and be constantly watching them.
4. In the case of School Activities/Carnivals, each school should provide sufficient staff in swimwear to provide poolside aid and supervision of pupils.
5. The user/s accepts responsibility for the supervision of the centres grounds and change rooms to ensure competitors/students and spectators enter and leave the premises in an orderly manner.
First Aid
1. Pool Management will provide first aid equipment & services via the pool lifeguard/s on duty.
1. Carnivals may be held between 9am and 3pm or during the evening by arrangement with Pool Management.
2. The Toddler’s pool is out of bounds to all Carnival Competitors, officials and spectators, unless otherwise authorised by Pool staff.
3. No “FREE” swimming or novelty events will be allowed whilst lane ropes are in place unless otherwise authorised by Pool staff.
4. It is advisable not to leave clothing and valuables in change rooms. The centre accepts no responsibility for lost or stolen property
5. Smoking, anywhere within the Centres grounds is prohibited.
6. All areas must be left in a clean and tidy condition and no damage caused to the area. If extra cleaning or maintenance is required as a result of your booking, your organisation will be expected to meet all costs incurred by pool management.
7. All patrons must leave the premises upon completion of the booking unless otherwise authorised by Pool Staff.
8. Prior approval must be granted by Pool Staff for either use of the centres B.B.Q for food preparation or the distribution of food to competitors and spectators attending carnivals.
9. Pool Management will retain the right to close the centre at any time should the Manager consider that the safety of patrons may be jeopardised. All costs that may be incurred will be the responsibility of the user.
10. Failure to comply with any of the above conditions may result in the group concerned being asked to leave the premises.
11. Management will retain the right to cancel any event should they consider that the conditions of the contract have been breached.
In the Event of an Emergency
1. In the event of severe weather conditions that threaten the safety of patrons such as lightning or thunderstorms, Pool Staff will be responsible for evacuating the pool.
2. In the event of an emergency requiring evacuation of the centre, Pool Staff are responsible to coordinate & direct patrons out of the centre to the designated area.